英語パワーアップリスニング ~トレーニングすれば英語が聞き取れるようになる!~
岩村圭南の1分間イングリッシュ (リスニング編Vol.1)
センテンス・オブ・ザ・デイ[ビジネス編]の聴き方 [000]
岩村圭南の1分間イングリッシュ (スピーキング編Vol.1)
#000 センテンス・オブ・ザ・デイの聴き方
コレ英語で言ってみよう! [完全バージョン]
今日のセンテンス:There's no substitute for diligence. [365]
NHK 徹底トレーニング英会話 2008年4月号(上)
Lesson 50:使える英文法を身につける Part 20
今日のセンテンス:I appreciate your concern. [087]
今日のセンテンス:Saying is one thing, and doing another. [359]
今日のセンテンス:Exact fare, please. [365]
今日のセンテンス:I was transferred to the sales division in April. [093]
今日のセンテンス:Don't make a fruitless struggle at this point. [357]
NHK 英語5分間トレーニング 2009年4月号(上)
今日のセンテンス:Go ask him when it comes to statistics. [360]
今日のセンテンス:I thought you'd stopped smoking. [086]
今日のセンテンス:He's just spinning his wheels. [333]
今日のセンテンス:Feel free to have a look around if you like. [106]
今日のセンテンス:Finally it's payday. [091]
今日のセンテンス:We're going to have to play it by ear. [094]
今日のセンテンス:Where are we going for our company trip this year? [103]
今日のセンテンス:I wonder if this company has any future. [104]
今日のセンテンス:I'm really broke this month. [090]
コレ英語で言ってみよう! [ROUND 1-3]
今日のセンテンス:Appearances can be deceiving. [092]
今日のセンテンス:Could you give this a quick read? [156]【再配信】
今日のセンテンス:You always say one word too many. [137]
今日のセンテンス:You should have more confidence in yourself. [133]
今日のセンテンス:Don't expect anybody to rescue you. [136]
今日のセンテンス:That company has adopted a flextime system. [102]
今日のセンテンス:Do what you promise to do. [358]
今日のセンテンス:Since the trains aren't running, I'll be late today. [114]
今日のセンテンス:To my knowledge, we haven't made any deals with that company. [361]
今日のセンテンス:The flu kept me in bed last week. [130]
今日のセンテンス:The unemployment rate is on the rise. [084]
今日のセンテンス:I'd like ten copies of this document made. [116]
今日のセンテンス:That company needs to improve its image. [095]
今日のセンテンス:In-flight meals aren't so great. [073]
Lesson 33:使える英文法を身につける Part 3
#204 今日のセンテンス:That hits the spot.
今日のセンテンス:Your tie's crooked. [132]
今日のセンテンス:We've reached our sales target for the month. [153]
今日のセンテンス:Job transfer season is upon us. [098]
今日のセンテンス:He needs to get more experience. [108]
今日のセンテンス:He's out of work now. [111]
今日のセンテンス:After an office romance, those two got married. [185]
今日のセンテンス:Don't make me say it. [110]
#118 今日のセンテンス:That movie is a must-see.
今日のセンテンス:You'll never finish the report today at this rate. [362]
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