The Milky Way
Myths Of The Light
Aquacular Subsun
Let The Games Begin
Ravaged By Fire
God Wills It
Crucible of Creation
The Red Flag
Black Snow
River Through The Skies
Our Legacy
Tonight We Feast
Stygian Depths
A Creature called human (Among Other Things)
Sky Burial
The Evolution After Evolution
Triumph Again
Beyond The Oort Cloud
The Only Space Race That Matters
Tearing Holes In The Fabric Of Time
Altar Of Sacrifice
Thrice Told
Prelude To Cessation
God Like Redemption
The Rebirth
Enter The Halls
Images in The Nightsky
In the Beginning
Metal Meltdown
Transversing the Tides
The Last Day
Dream God
Sixteenth Chamber
World Shapers
Sky Dweller
Slave to the Grave
Offerings of Jade and Blood
Ancient Ones
Induced Mutation
The Oldest of Dilemmas
War of the Rings
It's all over now
Thus the story is told of the war of the rings
Of the dark lord and the orcs and the foulest of beings
Of the plague and the darkness that spread like a fire
Of the eagles in the sky which soar so much higher
Of the wizards and the dwarfs and the mightiest of all men
Of the halfling and the task which carried all the burden
Of the kings and the queens and the forest filled with elves
Thus it is told on the greatest of all tales
Beware the black hand reaching from above
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