[Gonzalo Vargas] Wipala
Camino a Inkuyo
Gonzalo Vargas - Wipala
Traditiones Andinas - Andean Traditions
Willka Mayu - Sacred River
Pachakuti - The Overturning of Space-Time
Llajta Takiy - Village Song
El Tio - The Uncle
Kena-Taki - Singing Flute
Sol de Primavera - Spring Sunshine
Condorcito - Little Condor
Grito del obrero - Worker's Cry
Cumbres Andinas - Andean Peaks
Sol y Luna - Sun and Moon
Jardin Secreto - Secret Garden
Uru Chaka - Bridge of the Urus
Wayna Sikuri - Young Siku Player
Caminos del Inca - Inca Roads
En Solidaridad - In Solidarity
Corazon Herido - Wounded Heart
Moreno Devoto
Caporal - Slave Master
Cacharpaya - Farewell
The Host Of Seraphim
Huari Vicuña - Wild Vicuña
Sol Milenario - Ancient Sun
Winaypaj Sonqoypi - Forever in My Heart
Maizal - Corn Field
Chasqui - Inca Messenger
Jacaranda - Jacaranda Tree
Brisa Tropical - Tropical Breeze
Mosoj Punchay - New Day
Morenada de los Sapos
Urpilita - Little Dove
Herencia Aymara - Aymara Heritage
Llanuras - Plains
Baila Moreno - Dance Moreno
Raices - Roots
Puma Punku - Gate of the Lions
Despedida del Valle - Valley Farewell
Ventana a los Andes - Window to the Andes
Añoranzas - Yearnings
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