• Opening
  • Battle! Roaming Legendary Pokemon
  • Cycling
  • Evolution
  • Viridian Forest
  • Battle (Vs Trainer)
  • Last Battle (Vs Rival)
  • Rival Appears
  • Battle (Vs Gym Leader)
  • Pokemon Center
  • Team Rocket Hideout
  • Professor Oak
  • Lavender Town's Theme
  • Oak Research Lab
  • Celadon City
  • Palette Town Theme
  • Pewter City's Theme
  • Battle (Vs Wild Pokemon)
  • Ending
  • Victory (Vs Trainer)
  • Casino
  • Guidepost
  • Cerulean City's Theme
  • Victory (Vs Gym Leader)
  • Mt. Moon Cave
  • Sylph Company
  • Battle! Gym Leader
  • Pokemon Gym
  • Victory (Vs Wild Pokemon)
  • Vermillion City's Theme
  • The Final Road
  • Pokemon Tower
  • Into the Palace
  • Battle! Trainer
  • Pokémon Center
  • Battle! Champion
  • Pokemon Mansion
  • Codename- St. Anne
  • To Bill's Origin - From Cerulean
  • Gym Leader Battle (Black/White ver.)
  • Battle! Rival
  • The Road to Viridian City - From Palette
  • Ocean
  • Battle! Elite Four
  • Battle! Team Plasma
  • Battle! Wild Pokemon
  • Gym
  • The Road to Cerulean From Mt. Moon
  • Route 29
  • The Road to Lavender Town - From Vermillion

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