• Is There Anybody There?
  • Alone
  • Yesterdays & Tomorrows
  • Dark Room
  • Roses
  • Second Wind
  • Run
  • The End
  • Psycho World
  • Rainbow
  • Closer
  • Never
  • Alexi Murdoch
  • Escape
  • It's Over
  • Beautiful Day
  • Dogs
  • Real Love
  • Falling
  • Angels
  • Peace Train
  • Cast Away
  • Tug of War
  • Alive
  • home
  • peace train (cat stevens cover)
  • Deeper Sublime
  • Aeronautic Trip
  • Peace Train (Cat Stevens)
  • Vitamin G
  • Is There Anybody There? (Scorpions Cover)
  • Three Bombs
  • Hard Slap
  • Your Arms
  • Raise The Dead
  • Celebrate
  • Friends
  • Castaway
  • Road Block
  • Dream
  • Guardian Angel
  • This Night
  • Time
  • Orange Sky
  • Yesterdays and Tomorrows
  • False Alarm
  • Good Day
  • Sno Cone
  • Teddy Bears
  • Bed Of Nails

Open my mind let me find new vibrations
Tell me the way I must take to reach my destination
And a place where I can stay
Where is the love of my life couldnt find her
Show me the way to find myself
Cause I'm nowhere in the darkness of these days

Is there anybody there who feels that vibration

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