Devoid of Redemption
Worlds Apart
The Legend
An Offering of Grief
The Ghost I Used to Be
Given to the Grave
Watcher in the Dark
Gloomy Sunday
Fear and Fury
Sorrow and Extinction {FULL ALBUM}
Foundations (Foundations Of Burden 2014)
Vanished (Foundations Of Burden 2014)
Ashes (Foundations Of Burden 2014)
Gloomy Sunday (Billie Holiday cover)
Gloomy Sunday [Cover of Billie Holiday]
Worlds Apart (Foundations Of Burden 2014)
03 The Legend
04 An Offering of Grief
05 Given to the Grave
04. The Ghost I Used to Be (2014)
"The Legend"
Sorrow and Extinction ALBUM REVIEW
One and the Same
Devoid Of Redemption.
Gloomy Sunday [Billie Holiday cover]
Devoid of Redemption (Live)
The Legend (Live)
Sorrow and Extinction
Advanced Meat Recovery (Concatenation)
01. Worlds Apart (2014)
Fear and Fury (dB052)
Gloomy Sunday (Billie Holiday)
The Legend (Demo)
The Ghost
06. Vanished (2014)
The Haunted Palace
Fear and Fury (New Song 2015)
Fear & Fury
The Adversary
The Rise and the Fall
Devoid of Redemption guitar cover
The Ghost I Used To Be [128 kbps]
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