• Mexico
  • Drink Pepsi
  • Ladybug
  • Space Babes
  • Be Cool With the Girls
  • Rock and Roll
  • Don't Put the Blame on Me
  • Go to the Ocean
  • Pure Genious
  • Cover Girl
  • When the World Was Bad and Young
  • Sex Dreams
  • Too Loud
  • Scuba Women
  • Pure Cut Down
  • Tailgaters
  • I Like the Girls Anyway
  • Message Song (Tyler)
  • Push Me if I Run Out of Gas
  • Shades
  • I want to be your man, Holly
  • Goin' Off
  • Dialogue
  • Plans Song
  • Egg Nogg (Bonus Track)
  • the right girl
  • Rockin' Rap Song
  • Sterio Rockin
  • Going Out By Myslef
  • Party Girls
  • I Love the Girls
  • Space Babies
  • Get it up with People
  • The Music House
  • Classic Rock Love
  • Real Man
  • 11 Phil Feezor - Sex Dreams
  • DJ's
  • Company & Life Song
  • Dialouge
  • Disco Rock
  • Don't Be on the Streets
  • DJ Rock
  • Don't make fun of us
  • Do something about Love
  • Don't Be Rejected About Love
  • Demo Rock
  • Don't be an unfaithful lover
  • ESP
  • Don't Leave us lonely

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