Nearly Dead Bat Make-Up
Esthete Piggie
Pussy Worship
Cadavre Exquis
Yo-Yo Yes Then No
Get Ready To Sweep
Only Some Shitty Chemical Stuff
Human Beat Box Deluxe
Be My Idol Then My Fall
Feat. Me / Feat. Us
Serie Z I
Serie Z II
Essence of I
Porcelain Hours
Vaginaal Nathrakh
Khabod of my Aba
Murphy in the Sky with Daemons
Pictures to Speak To
Paradoxical Sarabanda
Parodoxical Sarabanda
Add as fiend
Pictures To Speak Of
Irrelevant waste
Ego ego go
Sun xp
My never heard
Nearly Dead Bat Make up
Pray For Me
[2010 - 342] - Vaginaal Nathrakh
paralogical sarabanda
Feat.Me / Feat.Us
[2008 - 2 Unlimited] - Esthete Piggie
[2010 - 342] - Home
[2010 - 342] - Porcelain Hours
[2008 - 2 Unlimited] - Only Some Shitty Chemical Stuff
Only Some Shitty Chemical Stuf
[2010 - 342] - Murphy in the Sky with Daemons
[2010 - 342] - Diapositive
[2010 - 342] - Aquarium
[2008 - 2 Unlimited] - Cadavre Exquis
[2008 - 2 Unlimited] - Feat. Me / Feat. Us
Feat. Me Feat. Us
Vaginal Nathrakh (New Song!)
[2010 - 342] - Pictures to Speak To
Ô, l'ange, l'enfant, là, dans son berceau
Oui, celui-là même qui dort!
Ô, le blanc, le doux sein du Seigneur
Qui donne la vie, et commande la mort...
In the end, who's complaining of inner pain?
Even if he's not crying, she knows things won't remain the same
Ô, l'étoffe, la plume, Elle approche
Non, pas de mal, elle est celle qui veille
Et qui éteint
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