• Free Is Free
  • Byebye last.fm!
  • I Am Free
  • It's only Ј1.50 per month you fucktards!
  • It's only £1.50 per month you fucktards!
  • Bring back the free last.fm
  • http://last.fm/music/Zan-zan-zawa-veia
  • http://folkportal.3dn.ru/
  • Byebye lost.fm!
  • Bring Back the Free Last Fm
  • last.fm/user/konijntim
  • Paying Last.fm sucks!
  • You are fucked by la$t.fm
  • Free Is Free?
  • Why?
  • Strike Scrobbling
  • Strike Scrobbling - I Am Free
  • Never Gonna Give You Up
  • Kill me!!!
  • Ktulkhu
  • Попячим УГ!! ЛастФМ Пыщ Пыщ
  • Last.fm you will be dead soon
  • Чем Россия и Франция хуже США и Германии?
  • Orwell - 1984
  • Interior Crocodile Alligator

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