• Telauri Maqruli - Wedding Song from Telavi (studio)
  • Satsqali Babua - Poor Grandpa (studio)
  • Urmuli - Cart-Driver's Song (live)
  • Shairebi - Humorous Verses
  • Dhgashi Do Serit Skano Pipkre - Day and Night I Think of You (live)
  • Ghmerto Mets Gadmomkhede - O God, Look Down Upon Me (live)
  • Dadianuri Modzahkili - Song of the Dadianis (studio)
  • Motsikulno Tsmindano - Holy Apostles (live)
  • Alilo - Alleluia (studio)
  • Sulta Tana - To the Souls (live)
  • Tsmindao Ghmerto - Holy God (live)
  • Sanmive Sheviqarenit - The Three of Us Gathered (live)
  • Jgrägish - For St. George (live)
  • Sadats Vshobilvar - Where I Was Born (live)
  • Mtsvanesa Da Ukudosa - Green and Hatless (studio)
  • Irinola (studio)
  • Benia's Mravalzhamier (Long life)
  • Ali-Pasha (live)
  • Okro Mchedelo - Goldsmith (studio)
  • Dadianuri Modzahkili - Song of the Dadianis - studio
  • Ali-Pasha
  • Irinola
  • Sadghegrdzelo-Madlobeli - A Toast, and We Are Thankful (studio)
  • Gogo Shavtvala (Black-eyed girl)
  • Misdevs Mela Lomsa - The Fox Pursues the Lion (live)
  • Okro Mchedelo: Goldsmith
  • Sadghegrdzelo-Madlobeli - A Toast, and We Are Thankful - studio
  • Shairebi: Humorous Verses
  • Dala Kojas Khelghvazhale - Dali is Giving Birth on the Cliffs (live)
  • Didi Daidzra Sul Mtani - He Called a Great Army Strong as a Mountain (live)
  • Movedit Da Vsvat (Come, let us drink)
  • Chkimi Toronji (My dove)
  • Shavi Shashvi (The black thrush)
  • Razhams Didebulni Motsapeni - When the Great Disciples (live)
  • Okro Mchedelo - Goldsmith - studio
  • Mirangula [a man's name]
  • Aghdgomasa Shensa (Your resurrection)
  • Shirakis Velze (On the Shiraki Plain)
  • Tsmindao Ghmerto (Holy God)
  • Gandagana (To and fro)
  • Harira [nonsense syllables]
  • Megruli Naduri (Megrelian work song)
  • Jvarsa Shensa (Your cross)
  • Gandagana
  • Tsangala Da Gogona
  • Shavi Shashvi
  • Tsmindao Ghmerto - Holy God - live
  • Didi Khnidan Gagitsani (I've known you a long time)
  • Tsmindao Ghmerto: Holy God
  • Dadianuri Modzahkili: Song of the Dadianis

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