Łona's rap and Webber's beats is a mixture that has a value on its own in Poland. Jazzy beats along with optimistic and joyful rap, both of duo's albums fill a huge hole in the Polish mainstream hip-hop. Łona is not picturing himself as a modern-day gangsta nor he creates any other role to play when rhymin', he's totally himself, telling the listener about the world, people and politics from an optimistic and distanced point of view. He puts his words on Webber's beats. Webber is one of Poland's most respected producers, he uses a wide range of samples, cut from jazz and funk vinyl records and adds perfectly sounding drums ( all of this happening on a Akai MPC ). The duo represents Asfalt Records, sharing the label with O.S.T.R. or Fisz/Emade for example. Lyrics rhymed by Łona are not only optimistic and funny, they are also intelligent and present up-to-date perspective on different views about today Poland. Sometimes Łona criticizes or makes fun of politics, sometimes he rhymes about his old and archaic car - Trabant, (of nicknameHelmut). All those topics have one thing in common, in Łona's rap they are turned in something interesting and funny. Łona's: www.dobrzewiesz.net Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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