Just as there is K-pop in Korea and J-pop in Japan, in Mongolia, there's M-pop, or Mongolian pop music, and singer Bold has big dreams for M-pop. Born in 1978, Bold is a Mongolian musician who is trying hard to bring Mongolian music to the global stage by grafting traditional cultural arts onto modern art. His first album Mongol Pop was his first steps toward realizing his dream, and his efforts were rewarded when he received Turiin Shagna commendation from his country at the age of 33. He was also the first to perform at a government complex where all public institutes are gathered. He is currently preparing Mongol Pop 2. Bold encountered music early in his life as he was born to an art family. He attended a music school and majored in violin, and then in 1995, he began his music career with his band Camerton, formed with his school friends. The first album featured 18nas (18 Years Old), which he wrote and composed. Bold still says that his most memorable stage was when the band celebrated the release of their first album. In 2005, he released his solo R&B album Love Power featuring 14 songs. This album helped him become recognized as the best R&B singer in Mongolia. Bold’s interests span across music to the cinema. An ardent fan and collector of movies, he also successfully debuted on the screen by taking a lead role in Bi Chamd Hairtai (I Love You). He has also appeared on numerous commercials. In 2006, he invited a foreign sound engineer to Mongolia, a first in the co...
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Only one
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Ганцхан чамдаа
Чи надад дурлаасай
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Гоо амраг (Шуранхай -тай хамт)
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Myth Of Cloud
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Намайг тэврээч
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Асуултын тэмдэг
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Хайраа нээгээч
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