www.gloriaofficial.com Galina Peneva Ivanova (Bulgarian: Галина Пенева Иванова) a famous Bulgarian pop-folk singer, is born June 28, 1973 in Ruse, Bulgaria to Stefka Ivanova and Penko Ivanov. She is better known as Gloria (Bulgarian Cyrillic: Глория). Arguably the most popular of her generation, she is known as the Mother of pop-folk. She has been an active performer since 1990 and her latest album (Имам нужда от теб) was released in Bulgaria in October 2011. Gloria was a very emotional and lively girl, she also preferred to play more with boys than with girls. In second grade, Gloria almost lost her legs. The doctors from Ruse gave her an emergency operation, but it failed. The expectation was that she would need to be in a wheelchair until the age of eighteen. Her mother, however, did not give up fighting this tragic accident. The same year, she met professor Shoilev, who performed a second operation in Sofia. Gloria was able to stand on her feet again. Until this day, she remains grateful to Professor Shoilev. Four years later, Gloria's parents divorced, leaving her and her brother Nikolai to live with their grandparents in a cottage. During that time, they completed their secondary education. Gloria herself finished Technical High School in farming. Albums: Shtastieto e Magiya (The Happiness is Magic), 1994 Za Dobro ili Zlo (For Good or Evil), 1995 Angel s Dyavolska Dusha (Angel with a Devil Soul), 1996 Nostalgiya (Nostalgia),...
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