What is Kazantip? The eternal question What is KaZantip? - Huh, as if we know the answer! We’ve been groping for it since 1992 and it's still somewhere out there. We hope, you too couldn’t satisfy the most important question of your life “Who am I?” in a few words. And we don’t mean your name or occupation. What we know for a fact is what we are not. For example, we know beyond all doubt that we are not a festival, as the press is fond of saying. (We prefer the word “project”) And we are not the Kazantip headland in somewhat far Crimea peninsula, as the Google Maps would tell you, though that’s the very place we initially went from. However, Google Maps will never tell you where to find a very small and tiny – smaller than The Vatican City and tinier than Monaco – over-enclosed land not for every one -- The KaZantip Republic, though that’s what we truly are. So, given this, now you know that The KaZantip Republic is a nonexistent state somewhere under the sun, which may remind to onlookers something of a festival. Not bad so far, right? I think, wherefore I exist. I've thought It up, wherefore it exists The KaZantip Republic came along with other ideas from the head of a man who was badly displeased with the ordinary and mediocre world around him. He didn't try to criticize it, or worse, to fix it, he simply created his own one - his own Orange Land with its own, more fair laws, and made himself its PreZident. And since it's all due to his imaginat...
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Kazantip 2007
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Kazantip 3 And Linkin Park - Dj Lais
Офигенный трек!
Fuck The DJ
прикольные басы(трек 12)
Night Set
Kazantip 3 And Linkin Park - D
Baby I Love You (Dj Karp) - wap.kengu.ru
казантип 2008
Без названия
Гимн Казантипа 2005
2005 год♥
OpenAir in Angelsity 2009
Любить небоdrum bass marselle
романтическии драм энд басс
гимн 2010
С Басами
микс-----ТРЭК ПРОСТО ПИ)))))))
Кислота 2009
Baby I Love You (DJ Karp)
Самый лучший клубняк!!!!!
кимн казантипа 2010
Оранжевое небо/просто вспомнить лето))))))))))улыбнись)\)Оранжевое солнце в облаках, оранжевое небо на руках, оранжевые песни над землей, оранжевое счастье нам с тобой...
Зеленая трава
2010 нОвыЙ трЕК
Kazantip And Linkin Park
Baby I Love You
Гимн Казантипа 2008
Качающий транс
Кто не танцует тот Филипп Киркоров
Солнце, Море, Лето
Отдыхайте как я, отдыхайте лудше меня=-)
Интро 2010
Гимн 2005
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