In the spring of 2006, the group's members, who had played together in different forums, passing from association to association, finally formed a band. After absorbing the current music scene, the boys began searching for a new sound. From the first days of existence as a group, they set serious goals for themselves: to judge their music and adjust it according to their own musical sensibilities and principles, free of outside influence, leaning toward no existent national or Western style. Once they had played and heard their own compositions, the members were overwhelmed with a desire to be unique, to produce a new sound. Their first single (2006) includes 4 songs: “The Last Day of War,” “Part of my Thoughts,” “6000000000,” and “Yacht. Of course, critics reacted harshly, but the boys didn't veer from their path. Quite to the contrary, and because of their very integrity, the band members discovered an audience of adoring fans. In September of 2006, the group began recording Please Kill Me!” It was released by A-ONE Records in the fall of 2007. [Debyutnyy] Each member exerted great energy, emotional and otherwise, in creating the work. The power of the album is engineered in: it is designed to be so diverse that any listener can find something to appreciate. Also, a certain ambiguity permeates the album, along with discrepancies, here and there, resulting from the group's nascent understanding of equipment, and from its still developing internal dynamics. Re...
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Дельфины. Бог устал нас любить
Диско 2006
6000000000 себя
I hate myself and i want to di
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6 Миллиардов
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