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Epicenter Crystals
cheap food for secrets
fraternizing with the enemy
can of words
hallowed ground beneath my feet
mother stars
searching for atlantis
overgrown grass covering once majestic statues
Moves Toward Omnimind
climactic waste
flying the midnight dragon
rekindling the siren birth
Dawn Of Man
ribs make walls
sunspots amongst the ruins
waking the ecclesiastics
kerosene hat
silent order of the shrouded tombs
may alltonia minor
white horse
and the ocean becomes the altar
crow dancer
Carabou Figurines
Bear Our Crosses to the Sea
Sawdust & Spanglos
pyramids along the great river
vampires cristallins
of lions & kings
sunken cypress kiss
sympatic gestures
the hanged bride
blue pariah
Vacancies Upon a Window
Devils in Spades
Solstice Seeds
Eagle Coins
wicked stepsister
ash harvest
And the Ocean Becomes the Alter
of lions and kings
Epicentre Crystals
Cheap Secrets for Secret
caribou figurines
white lilies
the mad courier
Epicenter Crystals - Alligator Crystal Moth
Sympatic Gesture
Sunspots Amongst TheRuins
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