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Hierarchical Entrance Rite for a Byzantine Divine Liturgy: V. Kontakion of the Mother of God, Mode Plagal 4
Alleluiarion in Mode 1, Ps. 32:6, 13
Kyrie Cunctipotens genitor
O Great and Most Sacred Pascha
The Vespers of St. Catherine: Invitatorium (Mode Plagal 4)
Ode 1 of the Iambic Kanon, Mode 4
The Vespers of St. Catherine: Proemium (Mode Plagal 4)
Communion Verse, Ps. 142: 10b
Ode of the First Kanon of Pentecost, Mode 4
Hymn for Great Compline
Now the Powers of Heaven
Lament For The Fall Of Constantinople
The Vespers of St. Catherine: Anoixantaria by St. John Koukouzelis (Mode Plagal 4)
The Vespers of St. Catherine: Doxology of the Anoixantaria (Mode 2)
The Vespers of St. Catherine: From the Lamplighting Psalms, the Kekragarion (Mode 1) - Psalm 140: 2
Apostolo glorioso
The Vespers of St. Catherine: From the Lamplighting Psalms, the Kekragarion (Mode 1)- Psalm 140:1
As Many of You as Have Been Baptized
Let All Mortal Flesh
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: Opening Blessing, Litany of Peace, and Prayer of the First Antiphon
The Vespers of St. Catherine: Three Stichera Prosomoia for St. Catherine (Mode 1)
Communion Verse
Kontakion of the Mother of God (Mode Plagal IV)
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: First Antiphon
The Vespers of St. Catherine: From the Lamplighting Psalms, the Kekragarion (Mode 1) - Psalm 140: 3 - 5
Canon in Honor of Thomas Aquinas, Ode 1
The Vespers of St. Catherine: Doxastikon of St. Catherine: Sticheron Idiomelon (Mode 2); Part 1
The Service of the Furnace: The Play of the Three Holy Children: First Canticle, Ode 7, The Song of the Three Holy Children, with Refrains
Kontakion For Theophany
The Vespers of St. Catherine: Doxastikon of St. Catherine: Sticheron Idiomelon: Part 2 (Mode Plagal 2)
Cherubic Hymn (Mode Plagal IV)
Festal Trisagion - As many of as have been baptized
Canon for the Council of Florence, Ode 5
Sticheron Apostichon Idiomelon For St. Basil
Communion for Mid-Pentecost
Ecclesia Militantis
The Service of the Furnace: The Play of the Three Holy Children: Sticheron The Angel of the Lord Came Down (Mode Plagal 4)
Cherubic Hymn
The Service of the Furnace: The Play of the Three Holy Children: Conclusion of the First Canticle
The Service of the Furnace: The Play of the Three Holy Children: Sticheron (Mode 2)
Lamentatio Sacta Matris Ecclesia Constantinopolitana
Communion Verse for Sundays
Kalophonic Coda for St. Basil - A New Addition
Hymn of the Ressurection
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom: Final,Monastic Dismissal: Final dismissal
Kanon in Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas, Ode 1
Teleutaion of the Kneeling Vespers, Ps. 18 - Stichologia
Lament for the Fall of Constantiople
Great Entrance and Communion Hymn for Holy Thursday (Mode Plagal IV)
Cherubic Hymn (Special Melody: The Thief Beheld)
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