dredg is a progressive rock/alternative rock band from Los Gatos, California, USA formed in 1993. Their first studio album, Leitmotif, was released by the Universal music label on September 11, 2001. Prior to that, it had been self-released by the members of the band. After the album hit music stores, Dredg acquired an almost immediate cult following thanks to Leitmotif's unique sound and concept. There has also been a movie planned for release as a music video for the entire album, though the project has been scrapped due to the death of the lead actor. El Cielo, Dredg's proper Interscope debut, arrived in autumn 2002, and Deftones producer Terry Date was at the helm for their 2005 effort Catch Without Arms. A video for the single Bug Eyes was released. In the spring of 2006, Dredg played on the Taste of Chaos tour. In November of 2006, Dredg released Live at the Fillmore. Industry Demos is a collection of four songs from 2001 that Dredg recorded before they were signed to impress record labels. The four songs are Of the Room, Redrawing the Island Map, Running Through Propellers, and The Papal Insignia. Despite the fact that the band has not spoke out about these songs, and has not played them as of late (although Propellers has made an appearance on setlists prior to the release of CWOA), these songs remain very popular with fans. Of the Room was rerecorded and released on Dredg's second album El Cielo. El Cielo, their second album, which was released on October 8, 2002,...
Related Artist
Top Tracks
Bug Eyes
Ode To The Sun
Catch Without Arms
Sang Real
Not That Simple
Jamais Vu
Planting Seeds
Same Ol' Road
Of The Room
Sorry But It's Over
Matroshka (The Ornament)
Whoa Is Me
The Canyon Behind Her
Scissor Lock
It Only Took A Day
Symbol Song
The Tanbark Is Hot Lava
Penguins in the Desert
Hungover On A Tuesday
Drunk Slide
I Don't Know
Gathering Pebbles
Brushstroke: New Heart Shadow
Stamp Of Origin: Pessimistic
Mourning This Morning
Down To The Cellar
Long Days And Vague Clues
Cartoon Showroom
Stamp Of Origin: Take A Look Around
Hung Over On A Tuesday
Brushstroke: Walk in the Park
Stamp Of Origin: Horizon
Brushstroke: Reprise
Brushstroke: An Elephant in the Delta Waves
Movement II: Crosswind Minuet
Eighteen People Living in Harmony
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