E Nomine
E Nomine (a twist of the Latin phrase In nomine meaning “In the name”) is a German musical project, formed in 1999, by producers Christian Weller and Friedrich “Fritz” Graner. Their music, which they call monumental dance, is an unusual combination of trance/techno and vocals which closely resemble Gregorian singing and chanting. Other vocals are performed by German voice actors; such as long-time collaborators Christian Brückner and Rolf Schult. After several years with no news of the project, e-mail correspondence between a fan and Chris Tentum (Weller) revealed that the group was in the process of producing new material, due for release some time in the near future. A year after this came to light, a new single from E Nomine appeared on Amazon.de entitled Heilig, due for release on December 28, 2007. The release date has since been pushed to mid-February 2008. Some fans speculate the E Nomine music project will soon, or already has, ended. Their official website has not been updated since early 2005, as well as no official release of any material since Das Böse. In December of 2007, the single Heilig was stated for release, but due to complications with their record company it was pushed back into Janauary, and eventually February of 2008. Despite this, an actual hard copy was never shipped to any stores, and was only sold via select online music stores. Sometime in mid 2008, various videos of an E Nomine peformance emerged on several video sharing websites wh...
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Top Tracks
Vater Unser
Schwarze Sonne
Deine Welt
Das Omen im Kreis des Bösen
Die schwarzen Reiter
Wolfen (Das Tier in Mir)
Das Rad des Schicksals
Die Runen von Asgard
Ave Maria
Die 10 Gebote
Psalm 23
Das Abendmahl
Der Ring der Nibelungen
Die Sintflut
Im Zeichen des Zodiak
Bibelworte des Allmächtigen
Die Posaunen Von Jericho
Das Böse
E Nomine (Denn Sie Wissen Nicht Was Sie Tun)
Opus Magnum
Der Blaubeermund
Das Tier in mir (Wolfen)
Der Exorzist
Mitternacht (Radio Edit)
Himmel & Hölle
Der Fürst der Finsternis
Herr der Schatten
Nachtwache (Blaubeermund)
Vater Unser Part II (Psalm 23)
Das Schweigen (Interlude)
Der Schrei (Interlude)
E Nomine (Pontius Pilatus)
Aus dem Jenseits
Der Turm
Die Nachtwache
Der Prophet
Morgane Le Fay
Gott tanzte
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