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I. Ansturmend, ziemlich rasch (Roter Wirbeltanz)
IV. Allegro vivace
II. Schwer, lastend (Tanz des Grauens)
II. Agitato
The Ten Plagues
Jephta (Symphony No. 5)
IV. Gemessen (Tanz des Schweigens)
I. Allegro assai moderato
Children's Dance
And it Was at Midnight
III. Intermezzo: Fliessende Achtel
No. 1. Andante cantabile
He Saved My Soul from Death
Introduction and Psalm 114
Psalm 126
III. Calm, fluent, tender
V. Intermezzo: Lebhaft
III. Buffo
VI. Massige Viertel (Tanz des Erwachens)
Fuge aus der Geographie
II. Moderato
Cantata of the Bitter Herbs, Op. 65: Psalm 126
III. Allegro molto animato: quarter note = 100
III. Adagio
Miniature Overture
Burlesken, Op. 31: No. 3. Der Jongleur: Muito vivo (Sehr lebhaft)
God of Right, God of Might
No. 2. Caprice
II. Idyll
No. 4. Roundelay: Allegretto lunsingando, gently flowing
Geographical Fugue
No. 1. Gemachlich
No. 3. Adagio, con espressione
No. 2. Allegretto grazioso
Geografical Fugue
IV. Merry
Symphony No. 7, Op. 95: I. Molto lento
I. quarter note = 69-72
Spiel, Op. 39: III. Buffo
V. Slow, pensive, very tender
Genesis Suite: VI. The Covenant (The Rainbow) (recon. P. Russ)
Profiles, Op. 68: I. Calm
Spiel, Op. 39: II. Idyll
No. 1. Canzonetta: Andante
Adagio Elegiaco
Profiles, Op. 68: III. Calm, fluent, tender
III. The Contemplative Part: Adagio
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