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Shall I come, sweet love, to thee?
I care not for these Ladies
Jacke and Jone they think no ill
Beauty, since you so much desire
The Sypres curten of the night
Turne all thy thoughts to eyes
Thou joy'st, fond boy
Tune thy Musicke to thy hart
Faire, if you expect admiring
My love hath vow'd
Come Let us sound with melody
Though you are yoong and I am olde
Never weather-beaten sail
What is it all that men possesse?
Fire, fire, fire, fire!
What then is love but mourning?
Sweet exclude mee not
When to her lute Corrina sings
My sweetest Lesbia
Come you pretty false-ey'd wanton
Her Rosie Cheeks
Author of light
Come Away
The peacefull westerne winde
It fell on a sommers daie
There is none, O none but you
Sweet exclude me not
To musicke bent is my retyred minde
The peaceful western wind
The cypress curtain of the night
Her rosie cheekes, her ever smiling eyes
There is a Garden in her face
Vaile, love mine eyes
Give Beauty All Her RIght
Faine would I wed
O Dear That I With The Might Live
Never weather-beaten Saile
What If a Day
It fell on a summer's day
Come Let Us Sound with Melodie the Praises
Most sweet and pleasing are thy wayes
Love me or not
Harke all your ladies
The sypres curten of the night is spread
Miserere my Maker (Anon.)
Shall I Come Sweet Love to Thee?
Fire, fire, fire, fire loe here I burne
Faire if you expect admiring
Never love unless you can
O Never to Be Moved
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