Tristâme (pronounced: Tristaam) is the moniker singer/songwriter Rami uses for his solo Atmospheric Rock/Alternative Rock project. After an online EP released in March EP, Tristâme's debut album Unraveling Horizons was released in July 2009 - The album is a journey into the thoughts and emotions of a passive explorer, one who is carried through his life without ever truly living it, engaged in the world only through his dreams and unfulfilled aspirations. The name Tristâme comes from the sad legend of Tristan of Cornwall and the French word for soul, “âme”. Tristâme in broken French could mean “Sad Soul”. Almost 3 years after the conception of the Tristâme project, the light of day has finally found the horizon. In July 2009, Tristâme's debut album, Unraveling Horizons, was released. The album is a journey into the thoughts and amotions of a passive explorer, one who is carried through his life without ever truly living it, engaged in the world only through his dreams and unfulfilled aspirations. Lyrically, the album passes through four different stages in the rite of passage of this passive explorer. The first three tracks of the album reflect his worldview and ambitions. The next three tracks, imbued with the turmoil surrounding a life-difining change, represent an inner turning point for the passive explorer. Later, his emotional turmoil increases as he copes with deception and its aftermath. Finally, the explorer breaks through and tastes his own bitt...
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Top Tracks
Move On
Passive Explorer
Without You
The Beginning
With the Flow
Between the Lines
Identity Crisis
Support Systems
Nighttime Birds
Last Curtain Call
Distant Brothers
Age of Hope
Grey Together
My Friend
move on 12-8-07
inertia 1-20-08
Complete Mastering Demo 2
the beginning 9-3-08
Nighttime Birds (The Gathering cover)
Tristâme - Motion
Sampling Interlude
Parts of the Beginning-Without You
Chapter III: Cantus Firmus In A-Minor
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