• Fuck Hollywood
  • That's Right
  • Carte Blanche for Chaos
  • The Tradition
  • Hurricane Bubba
  • Jennifer
  • Return to Manzanar
  • Heroes & Zeroes
  • I'm Hungry
  • Rich People Don't Go to Jail
  • Criminal Mischief
  • Hate Edge
  • Murder One
  • Rock and Roll Fantasy
  • Disco Riot
  • On the Streets Again
  • Dignity
  • The Herbert Moonstomp
  • Escape to the City
  • National Debt
  • All Hail Santa
  • I'm a Rock and Roll Nigger
  • Oi
  • I'm True
  • He's a Skin
  • Jerry Was a Piece of Shit (JWAPOS)
  • The Other Side
  • You Can't Kill the Blues with a Gun
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Some Fun
  • The Young Loner
  • Election Day
  • Smash a Window
  • Choose
  • More Stupid Than Stupid
  • The Bomb
  • I'm a Rock & Roll Nigger
  • Jerry Was a Piece of Shit
  • Catch 22
  • Jail House Rock
  • In the Cards
  • Matt and Me
  • Red and White and Black and Blue
  • Dark Streets
  • N.L.C.
  • I'm an Anti-Hero
  • Truckstop Toilet
  • Phoenix Program
  • Porch Money
  • Sunset Limited

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