Enemy of God
Pleasure to Kill
Impossible Brutality
Violent Revolution
People of the Lie
Voices of the Dead
Coma of Souls
World Anarchy
Murder Fantasies
Riot of Violence
Flag of Hate
Under a Total Blackened Sky
Dying Race Apocalypse
Suicide Terrorist
Under the Guillotine
Terror Zone
When the Sun Burns Red
Ripping Corpse
The Ancient Plague
Love Us or Hate Us
The Patriarch
Reconquering the Throne
Death Is Your Saviour
Phantom Antichrist
The Pestilence
No Reason to Exist
Command of the Blade
Terrible Certainty
World Beyond
Endless Pain
Some Pain Will Last
Golden Age
Amok Run
Destroy What Destroys You
Extreme Aggression
Second Awakening
Ghetto War
Agents of Brutality
Bringer of Torture
Black Sunrise
Leave This World Behind
Isolated world in pain the tyrants bitter triumph
Devoted celebrate the empires ice cold victory
Feed their soulless bodies to the vultures and the lions
They're scared to raise their voices in disasters long foreseen
I hate your lives
Falsehood and lies
I hate your world
Your paradise drowns in chaos to breed world anarchy
World anarchy
Kings ruling emptiness and terror over ruins
Fast destruction slow death to all masters of the earth
Kings rulers autocrats in corpse mountain seance
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