NAILGUNNER was a thrash metal band from Joutseno (Finland). The Current Line-up: Jori Sara-aho - Drums Toni Lötjönen - Guitar Kalle Nurmi - Guitar Janne Puranen - Bass Jussi Kaskinen - Vocals The story so far: Nailgunner was founded by Toni Lötjönen in 2002, when he wanted to form a Slayer -coverband. Simo Kukkonen joined in to play guitar and Jori Sara-aho took on the drums. When the first rehearsals finally took place in Joutseno the whole idea of a coverband was forgotten. Riffs started turning into songs and the songs sounded like thrash. Simo left the band shortly, but Jori and Toni continued building up their own metal tunes. After some time Juha Lähde was recruited to bass and more songs were made. Finally Toni Huhtiniemi and Sami Kettunen joined the band, thus making Nailgunner a fully operational thrash metal killing machine. The first demo, called All life ends was made in 2004 kickstarting the band to pursue the the most brutal and catchy thrash metal sounds... The first full line up broke up in 2004. Huhtiniemi and Lähde were replaced by Jan-Erik Eskelinen in guitar and Tomi Malinen in bass. With this group Nailgunner recorded a split CD with Wounds. The split was released in 2005, introducing a more raw and versatile sound, with a lot less of the modern influences found on the first demo. Malinen played only one show before getting replaced by Janne Puranen. Two songs were recorded for two 7 splits. Also the recording of a full length album had been plan...
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Top Tracks
Power Never Fades
Futuristic Deth
Nuklear Tormentor
Craving Your Flesh
Morbid Schizophrenia
Venomous Overdose
Beaten Senseless
Torment in pain
On Deadly Ground
Urban Machinegun Massacre
Body Hammer
Let's Die!
On Metal Monsters we Ride
Metal Monster
Shortcut to Hell
Denim Stallions
Nailgun Attack
Let's Die
Nocturnal Invasion
Human Warhead
Nailgunner / Futuristic Deth
On Metal Monster We Ride
Let´s Die
Lets Die
The Power Never Fades
Futuristic Death
Nailgunner - Body Hammer_-_ADP
1.The Power Never Fades
Nailgunner - 05 - Craving Your Flesh
Nailgunner - Nuklear Tormentor
Nailgunner - 07 - Venomous Overdose
Nailgunner - 02 - Body Hammer
2.Body Hammer
3.Futuristic Deth
Nailgunner - Urban Machinegun Massacre
Nailgunner - 01 - Power Never Fades
Nailgunner - 03 - Futuristic Deth
Nailgunner - 04 - Metal Monster
Beaten Sensless
Futurisitic Deth
Nailgunner - Let´s Die
Nailgunner - 08 - Torment In Pain
4.On Metal Monster We Ride
Carving Your Flesh
5.Craving Your Flesh
Nailgunner - 06 - Morbid Schizophrenia
6.Morbid Schizophrenia
Body Hammer_A
Morbid Schizophrenia_A
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