Laws of Gravity
Haiku Motorik
Sun's Eyes
World Around You
Goji Berries
Storm In A Glass Of Water
Solar Death March (In Octaves)
City & The Streets
No Escape
ancient of days
Not A Hero
Crisis Meeting At the Lyceum
Karhu Junassa
Towers Upon Towers
The Dark Continent
Fire Age
You Jackal!!
Richard Branson's Crash Landing
Sleeps a Friendly Stranger
A Hard Try
Follow Us To The Edge Of The Desert
The Interventionist
Bill Withers
Wrappt In a Carpt
We Might Fall Apart
Why Don't You Let It Happen
Facing The Intergalactic Jury
Wasteland - Rac Remix
Wasteland (Rac Remix)
Mad Architect
Time Thyme / The Verdict of The Intergalactic Jury
Don't Take A Swim
Just Heads Dropping
Feel Like A Spark
Wasteland (Hisser Remix)
Motorik Haiku
Fake Music Mixtape
Derived from Being
We know how it ends
We know how it will tear us apart
Arms stretched to the ocean
Arms around the clock we'll succumb
We know how it ends
It sure will end
It'll take us apart
Comforting's the way how silence
Finds its way to open arms
It followed me back home, that rat
I cracked, I felt its luring charm
It's following me where the night begins
Across the line between
Picture blurs, the clock arms turn
I'm out of hospitality
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