Amatory are a metalcore band from Saint Petersburg, Russia, who formed in 2001. The band won two awards at the Russian Alternative Music Prize in 2005 and has toured across Russia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, and Finland. Their main discography includes seven albums: Вечно прячется судьба (Fortune on the Run, 2003), Неизбежность (Inevitability, 2004), Книга мёртвых (The Book of the Dead, 2006), VII (Seven, 2008), Инстинкт обречённых (The Instinct of the Doomed, 2010), 6 (Six, 2015) and DOOM (DOOM, 2019). When you are from the largest country on Earth, how do you tell your fellow citizens that you exist? That may have been the biggest hurdle for AMATORY, hailing from Saint Petersburg, Russia, which covers a mind-blowing 17,000,000 square kilometers. But through dedication and hard work, the band has become a very popular Russian act with fans in the capital, industrial centers, and even provincial towns miles from city life. AMATORY make certain everything about the band, their products, and the presentation are 100% perfect and according to their specifications. Their songs are meticulously recorded and mixed. Their album artwork is tweaked until the band is completely happy. And band members are very particular about how they themselves project the right image that says AMATORY. “…The guys from AMATORY are devoted to their craft and focused on work…” – Jacob Hansen, sound-pr...
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