Andaja was founded in 2002. Andaja - is the ancient Lithuanian deity of fate, fear, swamps, wetlands and marshes. This name also reflects the sounds and music produced by the band - primitively elemental, mythical. The axis of their creation is the natural Baltic world-view, - their songs are filled with awe of Nature, their nation, heroic deeds of their ancients and with hatred for the spiritless ideology of the modern times. In short it can be defined as Baltic Black metal. In 2006 Andaja have released their debut album Iš atminties featuring 7 Baltic Black metal tracks. From spring of 2007 Andaja introduced female vocals performed by Daiva. After the performance at the 10th Mėnuo Juodaragis festival in Zarasai, Andaja have seen Marius Kačiulis and Edvardas Jakubauskas to leave the band. Current lineup of the band: Leonardas Marozas (keyboards, vocals) Robertas (guitar) Marius Marka Kačiulis (guitar) Mantas Galas Galinis (drums) Marius Frankas Franckevičius (bass) Daiva (female vocals) Former members: Gediminas Gaidulis (guitar) Edvardas Jakubauskas (bass) Andrius Matulka Matulevičius (guitar) Povilas (drums) Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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