
Aquilium is a Melodic Death Metal band (strong pagan emphasis on lyrics) from Nussbach in Upper Austria. Biography: After having wasted months and months of looking for well-fitting band members and exploring their own musical creativity to find their individual way of playing metal, Mike (voc, bass) and Moe (guit, back vocals) gave in December 2007 life to a metal project called Aquilium. The name is a variation of the latin word “aquilo”, which means northern wind. The decision to choose a latin name, was a first step to allow old cultures to be an influence to Aquilium, lateron they went on following this path. Not just meadows and forests took the spring as a sign to bloom, also the ideas for Aquilium started to flow out of Moe’s fingers. As soon as they felt ready to share what they created, and have rehearsed enough with Tom (drums), who joined the band in May 2008, they entered the stages of Upper Austria and played their first Gigs. To name a few local heroes they shared stage with: Mandatory, Demolition, Dusk Ritual, Schädelbasisbruch, The Morphean, Lost Vital Spark, Wydfara’s Prophecy, Zores… And as the first live-experiences were made and the first contacts in the local metal scene achieved, they didn’t feel like bloody beginners anymore, and they felt that it was time to go the next step. They wanted to live forever, and what would be a musician’s way to immortality? In December 2008 they started to work seriously on their first Demo-CD Onset...

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