Azra is the name of more than one artist: 1) Zagreb rock band 2) Turco-German rapper 3) italo-disco, alias of Azra Đorđević 4) Dutch-Surinamese producer from the Netherlands 1) Azra was a rock band from Zagreb, Croatia (then Yugoslavia) that was popular in the 1980s. Azra was formed in 1977 by its frontman Branimir Johnny Štulić. He became an urban legend even before Azra recorded the first album. He would show up with his guitar in various locations around the city and sing to everyone, or nobody, depending on the occasion. The other two members were Mišo Hrnjak (bass) and Boris Leiner (drums). They named the band after the verse Ja se zovem El Muhamed/Iz plemena starih Azra/Što za ljubav glavu gube/I umiru kada ljube! (trans. My name is El Muhamed/From the tribe of the old Azra/That lose their lives for love/And die when they kiss!) from a sevdalinka Kraj tanahna šadrvana, which is a translation of Heinrich Heine's song Der Asra. They released their first single in 1979 with the songs Balkan and A šta da radim. The first, self-titled, album, published in 1980, achieved commercial success and popularized Azra in Yugoslavia. Azra recorded their last studio album Između krajnosti in 1987. In 1988 the band recorded a 4LP live album under the name Zadovoljština (Satisfaction). They disbanded in 1990. Štulić recorded another three albums in Houten, Netherlands, where he currently resides. He lives a secluded life and is often the target of reporters seeking an in...
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