BrassBastardz is all about combination, synthesis and transformation. They apply these terms everywhere. Their music is colorful, energetic and constantly changing. The band is combining and transforming different styles together with various moods and diverse instruments. You can find live instruments and vocals that give pure and taintless feeling, along with synthesizers creating a more synthetic and diverse sound. BrassBastardz first début was in the beginning of 21st century when they opened for Jimmy Tenor and played in different Jazz festivals all around. After having couple of great concerts the band stopped performing. Even without live performances the band kept moving. Through these years 4 Vinyl’s where released. What’s more a designer eye-wear line from the very same vinyl with BrassBastardz music, was released. Every frame went together with their LP. It was called Vinylize and it’s still alive and flourishing. In 2005 a video was released for their song “Jiemah” and the same year it got a nomination for “Most Stylish Video of the Year”. The same year another song called “Sunrise” was used in a Russian movie called “Nevaliashka”. After a long brake Brassbastardz revived and in the end of 2009 the band released their first full album called “Waiting”. They presented it in various clubs and festivals. BrassBastardz continued the synthesis by combining their forces with different musicians: opening act for: Gotan Project, De Phazz, Candy ...
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Top Tracks
Bubble In A Trouble
This Night
Wake Up
Jiemah feat. Giedre
Sunrise Sunset
Mumbo Jumbo (feat. Xuman)
Waiting (till u give me sum luv)
Bubble in a Trouble (Synthezatorium Remake)
Stand up!
One More Chance
Back Seat Of Your Car
5 In Your Eyes
Waiting (Remake)
Fantasy Bonjour
What's Dat Sound
Space Influence
Mind Rest
Fantasy Aliosha Pechkin
Fantasy Electronic Thread
Stand Up! (Somov Mix)
Bubble in Trouble (Synthezatorium remake)
Jiemah (feat. Giedre)
Waiting(Till U Give Me Sum Luv)
Jiemah - Feat. Giedre
Jiemah (feat. Giedrė)
Bubble In Trouble
Jazz Session
Stand Up! (Leon Somov Remix)
Stand Up
Stand up (Leon Somov remix)
Fantasy Sara
Mumbo Jumbo
Bubble In A Trouble(Juliokas) www.muzikosfanai.lt
Waiting Till U Give Me Sum Luv
Mumbo Jumbo - Feat. Xuman
Mumbo Jumbo Featuring Xuman
Jiemah Featuring Giedre
Whats Dat Sound
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