Ballboy is a Scottish indie band from Edinburgh. Formed in 1997, the band has released a total of five albums (one being a compilation of EPs in 2001) up to their most recent in 2008. Beginning as a four-piece comprising Viv Strachan (vocals), Gordon McIntyre (guitar), Nick Reynolds (bass), and Alexis Beattie (drums), Ballboy played gigs around Edinburgh for a few years, and recorded tracks for the Edinburgh indie compilation it's a life sentence..., released by the newly formed SL Records label in 1997. By 1999 Gordon, the band's main songwriter, had taken over vocal duties. Katie Griffiths had joined on keyboards and Gary Morgan had taken over the drums. The band signed to SL Records that year, and released a series of EPs showcasing their catchy new pop tunes, complete with alternately humorous and mournful lyrics. The tracks of these EPs were collected on 2001's Club Anthems. Their 'proper' debut album, A Guide for the Daylight Hours, was released the following year, featuring artwork by Glasgow based artist David Shrigley. This was quickly followed in 2003 by the acoustic and often melancholy The Sash My Father Wore and Other Stories, virtually a solo record by Gordon. In 2004 ballboy returned to full band mode, with the addition of a new keyboard player (Alexa Morrison) and their third album, The Royal Theatre. It took a change of record label (to their own, Pony Proof Records) and another four years before the 4th ballboy album was released, entitled I Worked on th...
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Top Tracks
I Lost You, But I Found Country Music
I Hate Scotland
Avant Garde Music
Sex Is Boring
I Wonder If You're Drunk Enough To Sleep With Me Tonight
You Can't Spend Your Whole Life Hanging Around With Arseholes
A Europewide Search For Love
All The Records On The Radio Are Shite
Disney's Ice Parade
Something's Going To Happen Soon
Meet Me At The Shooting Range
Nobody Really Knows Anything
Where Do The Nights Of Sleep Go To When They Do Not Come To Me
Songs For Kylie
A Relatively Famous Victory
Essential Wear for Future Trips to Space
The Guide to the Short Wave Radio
The Art Of Kissing
Absent Friends
I've Got Pictures of You in Your Underwear
Let's Fall In Love And Run Away From Here
I Don't Have Time To Stand Here With You Fighting About The Size Of My Dick
Donald in the Bushes With a Bag of Glue
I Gave Up My Eyes to a Man Who Was Blind
I Need Two Hearts
A Day in Space
Swim for Health
Leave the Earth Behind You and Take a Walk Into the Sunshine
You Should Fall in Love With Me
The Time Out Guide
Empty Throat
They'll Hang Flags From Cranes Upon My Wedding Day
We Are Past Our Dancing Days
Above the clouds the sun is always shining
Godzilla Vs the Island of Manhattan (with you and I somewhere in-between)
Kiss Me, Hold Me and Eat Me
One Sailor Was Waving
Dumper Truck Racing
I Died For Love
We can leap buildings and rivers, but really we just wanna fly
There Are Only Inches Between Us, But There Might As Well Be Mountains And Trees
Picture Show
The Sash My Father Wore
Welcome To The New Year
Stronger Hearts Than Mine Lie Empty
Public Park
Olympic Cyclist (acoustic version)
The Ghosts Of New Orleans
Shallow Footprints In The Snow
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