
Benflos, a name that may sound strange on first hearing, a strangeness that is sometimes reflected in their sound. The themes of their lyrics go from introspective reflections, movie-like imagery, quotes, as well as lyricism, and subtle touches of humor. The sound runs from dissonant textures to sunny atmospheres. For those seeking a more objective and simple definition, Benflos is a rock band. Their live performances are theatrical and use audiovisual elements beyond the norm like a cute little harakiri, a contrasceptive method that involves asfixiation, personal hygiene lessons on a grand scale, explosive minimalist carnaval, and small exotic musical instruments. All mixed in with the music, serving up a sort of experimental/eccentric/cabaré. Band members: Daniel Martins bass, guitar, drums and studio backup, studies music licensure at the Unirio, has played with Bia Grabois, Maurício Negão, and now plays with Lobão, Marya Bravo, Martha V, Mariana Davies and Rockz. Diogo Brandão (vocals and perfumery) – studies at Villa Lobos (popular song), and got his music licensure at the Unirio, is an actor with (Companhia Prática Teatral Dir. Michael Berkovits), singer and plays with Macadame and [[artist]Rockz Guilherme Carrera (guitar and mandolin) studied at Centro Musical Antônio Adolfo, Musiarte and studies music licensure at the Unirio. He worked announcer in the piece “Raul Fora da Lei” with Roberto Bomtempo and under the musical direction of Igor Eça. He also ...

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