There are more than one artist that share the name 'Bikini'. In the order of the length of their career: 1. Rock band from Hungary. 2. Electronic duo from Canada. 3. New Wave band from Poland. 4. Female vocalist duo from Denmark. 5. Punk-rock duo from Czech Republic. 6. Trip-hop/Dub collaboration from Israel. 1. Formed by Nagy Feró and Németh Alajos in 1982, Budapest, Hungary, Bikini is one of the most successful Hungarian rock band of the eighties. Nagy Feró's (also known as the cockroach of the nation, as he called himself) former punk band, the legendary Beatrice split up in 1982, after having serious problems with communist authorities, when they formed this band. The band music and lyrics was, like much of the communist era, filled with hidden meanings against the oppression. With Nagy Feró in the front of the Bikini they produced two studio albums, which were very progressive, post modern punk rock albums. Their debut was Hová lett? (1983), followed by the XX. századi híradó (1984) one year later. However as the eroding of Hungarian communist regime became more obvious and faster, Feró left the Bikini for reuniting the Beatrice. In 1985 D. Nagy Lajos arrived to the band as a lead singer, when they progressed to a more accessible and melodic rock sound, and produced legendary and very successful hit songs like Közeli helyeken or Ki visz haza?, which are still very popular and often played in Hungary. The band split up in 1992 but reunited in 1997. Members ...
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Ki visz haza
R.I.P. (Grimes Remix)
American Mourning (Win Win Remix)
Adj helyet
Nehéz a dolga
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Ami a szívemen
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Untitled (Bonus Track)
Temesvári vasárnap
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1234 [Feist Cover]
Ha volna még időm
Adj Helyet Magad Mellett
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Untiled (Bonus Track)
Ne ébressz fel
Oh Girl Get On The Floor
Where'd You Get Those Legs
Csak dolgozni ne kelljen
A férfi megy, a nő marad
Őrzöm a Lángot
Izzik a tavaszi délután
A szabadság rabszolgái
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