There are at least 8 artists called 'Boys' (not counting The Boys) 1) BOYS are a dream pop band from London. After recording their debut EP with Max Bloom (Yuck) in 2016, the band have gone on to play shows in the UK, Europe & America. Their EP's and single releases have received praise from taste makers such as DIY, Clash & Gold Flake Paint. 2) A solo project by Swedish musician Nora Karlsson, guitarist of Swedish garage rock act HOLY. Released its debut EP Kind of Hurt in September 2015 with the follow-up EP Love on Tour released on May 20, 2016 via PNKSLM Recordings. 3) Polish disco-polo boysband, formed in spring 1991. Boys are said to one of the most succesfull disco-polo groups ever. Former Names: Las Vegas, Black&White; final name: BOYS Leader, composer, vocalist & lyrics author: Marcin Miller from Ełk. 4) 'Boys' is a The Smiths-influenced rockabilly-popband from Gothenburg, Sweden. The band released their first EP 'Wapping' at 'Smashing Time records' in 2005 and later same year was their first full-leangth record In loch ness in store. The fact that the frontman and lyricist Erik Gregorsson is obsessed by Morrissey is not an understatement. Before Morrissey released his 10th album You Are the Quarry in May 2004, 'Boys' spread their New Girl Born at different torrentsites with the assumed name of the upcoming Morrissey-song ihaveforgivenjesus.mp3 witch caused a great stir in the popworld thanks to Gregorssons Morrissey-a-like-voice. 5) Japanese idol group be...
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A ja sie teraz bawie [www.discopolo.piwko.pl]
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Chłop z Mazur
I Don't Care
Jump (Bootystylerz remix)
Ostatni dzień, ostatnia noc
Figo fago
Please Change Your Mind
Sick On You
Kom och lek med mig
Za kilka łez
Soda Pressing
Ty juz nie wrócisz
Usłysz wołanie
Brickfield Nights
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I Call Your Name
A ja sie teraz bawie
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