Brams is a Catalan rock band from Berga which during the 90’s and early 2000's became the main representative of the combat music in Catalan language, with very explicit lyrics talking about social and national liberation of the Catalan-speaking Countries. Mythical songs like “L’últim tirabol” (The last turn), “Jo vull per demà” (I want for tomorrow) or “Soc d’un país” (I’m from a country) have turned into really classics of the Catalan independence movement. In 1990 Sergi Valero, Francesc Ribera and Josep Maria Gomez formed the band and soon Toni Romero, August Gendrau and Francesc Xavier Martinez (who played together in a band of Berga) joined it, as well as Jordi Castilla. They started with a concert in Cercs (near Berga), and after some other concerts over the region, in 1991 they played for their first time in Barcelona, in the Cotxeres de Sants. Early in 1992 they recorded their first record “Amb el rock a la faixa” (With the rock in the waist), produced by Reyes Torino, who also produced next works: “Segona assemblea” (Second assembly, 1993) and “La diplomàcia de la rebel·lia” (The diplomacy of the revolt, 1994). In this record they had the collaboration of the Basque band “Negu Gorriak”. In 1995 they edited their fourth record, “Cal seguir lluitant” (Fight must continue), with a quality jump on musical terms. In 1997 they made their first live record, “Brams al Liceu” (Brams at the Lyceum), recorded on “La Capsa...
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Top Tracks
El president
L'últim tirabol
Dilluns que ve
Moros i cristians
Marihuana Berguedana
Cançó d'Amor
Sóc d'un país
No em deixis marxar
Fuig amb mi
Fidels a la Utopia
Quan surt el sol
Cap mala pensada
Premsa lliure
Goigs a Sant Hilari
Herbes i fermentats
Sóc el millor
Quan t'imagino cagant
El Llop i les cabretes
Nena de Nicaragua
No teniu pas prou acer
Som a Girona
Sempre més
Espera'm assegut
Moltes gràcies
Bufar i fer ampolles
Vull per a demà
La plaça
La pesta blava
Un secret que t'havia de dir
Inici de càstic al fetge
Vengerskie Tanci
De bar en bar
El senyal de combat
Ho endevinaràs
La Diplomàcia de la Rebel·lia
Sants collons
Sant Jordi 1985
Història d'Espanya (explicada pels espanyols)
Rojo separatista
Popular infantil
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