
There are five artists with this name: 1.) Cancer is a British Death Metal band formed one night in 1988 down the Tontine pub in Ironbridge by original members Carl Stokes, John Walker and Ian Buchanan. They quickly put together a demo in the Pits (Studio) called 'No Fuckin Cover Demo', sent out the demo and got signed to Vinyl Solution. They then started a diet of writing and playing live with such bands as Bomb Disneyland, Bolt Thrower, Cerebral Fix and GBH. 2.) A Danish duo formed in 2014 consisting of Nikolaj Manuel Vonsild (When Saints Go Machine) and Kristian Finne Kristensen (Chorus Grant). 3.) Cancer is a one-man depressive black metal band from the Ukraine. The current status of this band is active. The only known webpage for this band is it's MySpace page - Cancer has released at least one album, Clinical Depression, though it is currently unknown if physical copies of this album exist or if it is just a download-only album. 4.) Cancer is a three person rap group from New Zealand A washed up male model/ folk singer, an agoraphobic weed head and a smut peddling alcoholic sound more suited to group therapy than a recording studio. But as the saying goes; opposites attract, you can’t judge a book by its cover and sometimes a bunch of useless cunts make some good music. The groups called Cancer and there goal in the words of Louie knuxx is to” make the most depressing album ever...

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