There are two bands with bane Castrum. 1) Black metal band from Croatia. Discography: - 1998 - Black Silhouette Enfolded In Sunrise - 2000 - In The Horizons Of The Dying Theatre CastrumCastrum (CRO) was founded on a dark and stormy night in the year 1995 by the two unholy souls Insanus (guitar/keys) and Morsus Sordahl (vocal). During this year they worked mostly on lyrical and poetic conception as it was quite hard to find musicians in Croatia that were interested in playing this type of extreme music... All was quite untill late 1996 when Set joined the band on drums and Fra. Mortes on bass. After recording their first promotional demotape (1997) entitled NocturnalCastrum (CRO) Eden Behind Serpent Eyes, Castrum recieved quite a positive response in many underground fanzines throughout Europe and across the seas. After the recording of this promotional demo, Set left the band and Castrum gained an aditional guitarist under the name of Dirgloch. The only problem now was that Castrum was now left without a drummer... so a studio drum machine was used to record their debut album. Castrum returned to the dungeons to record their first full lenght opus entitled Black Silhouette Enfolded In Sunrise which offered 8 tracks of bewitching symphonic and epic black metal enchanced with vampiric poetry and dark atmosphere... Soon after, Castrum were then signed to Folter Records in 1998. Because of the sudden departure of their drummer, a studio drum machine was used for the recordi...
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Top Tracks
Tears Of Piano
A Symphony In Moonlight And Nightmares
Obscurity Within Funeral Moon
Black Silhouette Enfolded In Sunrise
On The Wings Of Dark Angel
Fragments of the Fall
Beyond The Mountains Of Frozen Spell
For Those Wistful Moments In The Mist
Weeping Inside Plagued Mirrors (Burial Of Ashen Bride)
Nocturnal Eden Behind Serpent Eyes
Wandering Between Solitary Dreams
A Voice from the Haunted Graveyard
Drakulin Ples (Dracula's Dance)
...And The Curtain Falls
Thou Uprised Majesty in Thirsty Glance of Dusk
Sinister Omens
Insane... Sordid... Wicked...
Rapid Death
Weeping Inside Plagued Mirrors
The Gate Of The Universal Mystery
Painful Sighs In Castrum
Never Ending Error
The Undiscovered Dimension
Book Of Malediction
Suffocating Thugs
Don't Make Me God!
. . .
Source Of Hate
Mirrored Absurdity
Unprecedented Torture
Walls Of Deception
Mentally Cracked
Dying Winter (Her Natural Despair And Violent Desire)
The Art of Homicide
Desert of Darkness
Invisible Force of Fear
Cold-Warm Dream
Dying Winter (Her Natural Despair And Violent Desire
Night Of Saint-Bartholomew
Mach Of The Conqueror
Insane... Sordid... Wicked..
Unrestrained Power
A Voice From The Haunted Gra..
Dying Winter
Empress Of... (Insane... Sordid... Wicked...)
Dying Winter (Her Natural De..
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