There are several recording artists who use or have used the name Corina. (1) Manhattan, New York-based Freestyle singer Corina Katt Ayala (2) Romanian Europop singer Corina (real name, Corina Monica Ciorbă, born on 26th of January 1980). Her first abum (Noi doi) was produced by Marius Moga. (3) Sarah Corina, guitarist for indie rock band The Mekons released an album, The Last Supper, under the name Corina in 1986. Biogs below: (1) Born to Puerto Rican parents in New York City, Corina Katt Ayala recorded her first Freestyle hit, Out of Control, while still in College. This was followed up with a string of increasingly successful dance singles, one of which, 1991's Temptation, peaked at #6 on the U.S. Billboard Top 100 charts. Also in 1991, her self titled debut album was released on Atco Records. Ayala has also appeared in a small number of movies, most recently 2005's Fortunes. (2)CORINA si-a castigat incet si sigur, in doar trei ani de cariera un statut bine meritat in muzica. Originara din Satu Mare, Corina a absolvit doua facultati ASE-ul si Facultatea de Drept din Bucuresti. Se simte foarte legata de cele doua domenii si crede ca intr-o zi va profesa. Insa visul de a deveni cantareata a urmarit-o mereu asa incat si-a facut timp pentru cursurile de canto pe care le-a urmat timp de doi ani avand-o ca profesoara pe Crina Mardare. Album de debut al Corinei, NOI DOI aparut in anul 2003, a surprins pe toata lumea cu prospetimea si sound-ul lui. Single-ul « Noi Doi ...
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Top Tracks
Summertime Summertime
Out of Control
Give Me Back My Heart
Munky Funky
No Sleepin'
Now That You're Gone
Loving You Like Crazy
Es Verano
No Sleepin' (feat. J.J.) - Radio Edit
No Sleepin' - Radio Edit
Loving You Like Crazy (Todd Terry mix)
Munky Funky - Radio Edit
Quieres una aventura
Munky Funky (Radio Edit)
Fara Tine
No Sleepin' feat. JJ - Radio Edit
A Ta
Crazy Love
Give Me Back My Heart (extended club mix)
No Sleepin
Temptation (LP Version)
I've Got It In For You (LP Version)
Now That You're Gone (LP Version)
When I Miss You (LP Version)
Roata se intoarce
Fete din balcani
Whispers (aka Whispers at Night) (LP Version)
Don't Walk Away (LP Version)
It's My Life (LP Version)
One Two Three
No Excuses (LP Version)
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Nimeni altcineva
Searching (LP Version)
Corina - Munky Funky (Radio Edit)
Munky Funky (Extended Mix)
If You Believe (LP Version)
No Sleepin' (feat. J.J.)
No Sleepin' - Odd Remix Radio Edit
When I Miss You
No Sleepin' (feat. JJ)
Gimme Your Love
Don't Walk Away
If You Believe
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