
With a reputation built on their outstanding live shows and the success of their recent full-length release A Method To Feel Alive, CROWNE VICT has made an indelible mark on the New England rock scene. Originally formed in 1999, the band has honed their powerful, yet beautiful sound - a captivating blend of darkened mood, terrifying aggresiveness, and sweet melodic styles that reach the listener on all emotional levels. By early 2004, CROWNE VICT reached a point where they felt a need to get back to basics. Although their unique sound had earned them the respect of their fans and peers, as well as the attention of music industry insiders, they felt that they had merely scratched the figurative surface of their potential. Freeing up their schedules to focus on recording, the members of CROWNE VICT began to dig into their material. Older songs were given new life with subtle tweaks, and work began on finalizing some of the freshest material. The end goal was to create a full-length recording that properly showed off the musical and emotional dynamics that kept fans coming en masse to their shows. The following months brought a multitude of distractions - from personal and family issues, to time and budget concerns. No matter the adversity, it only served to push the band harder and further motivate them to make A Method To Feel Alive the best it could possibly be. The band owes much of their drive to their fans, who maintained a strong message board presence, lending their su...

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