1) Damages are a hardcore punk band from Grand Rapids, MI. Started in the winter of 2007, they have released a two song demo in the spring of 2008, a five song demo in January of 2009. The Love's Labor EP was released as a CD limited to 100 within special packaging in January 2010. Love's Labor EP was then also released as a 7 on Life To Live Records, in June 2010. www.facebook.com/damageshc Dominic went on to assume vocal duties in True Love: http://truelovehc.bandcamp.com 2) Damages are a new melodic hardcore band from Vancouver, Canada. They capture the sound and spirit of ‘90s post-hardcore, drawing from the legacy of Dischord, Ebullition and Touch & Go/Am-Rep. The lineup was rounded out with Carl of Circles and Keep it Clear, and Motor (Blue Monday, Circles, Keep It Clear) took over on drums after the release of the “Scars” 7” on Clue#2 Records. They are a reminder that great music played with heart and conviction always has a place in the Hardcore community. http://www.myspace.com/damagestothearchive 3) Damages is a hardcore band from Dayton, Ohio. 4) Damages are a grunge/punk band from the South West of England. 5) Damages is a punk/crust band from Minsk, Belarus. 6.) Damages is a punk band from Santa Ana, CA. They have so far released a demo cassette through the Silenzio Statico label, titled Defection. Contact info.: dmgsdmgsdmgs@gmail.com 7) Damages is a hardcore punk band from Gaithersburg, Maryland. Their new EP, ‘No Longer With Us’, is availab...
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Get Me a Lawyer
Desperate Decline
The Prisoner
Dreamt A Little Dream of You
Frowning Fortune
Love's Labor
Green Blood
Post Date
(Breathe Such Vows As Lovers Use To Swear)
Pissing Uphill
Saving Face
Beauty Was Not Meant For Me
The Only Lonely Grain Of Sand
I Lied, Too.
My Favorite Mistake Was You (Panic)
United Blood (Agnostic Front)
And My Paralyzing Fear of Death
Jesus, Mary & Joe Cocker
Not Dead; Free
Because I Know Patty
There's No We Anymore
Do You Regret What We Did?
Late Night Commerce Ave.
I Hate These People
We Are Not Animals
Blame the Victim
Sort of Like a Family
She Spat At Me
Found Then Lost
Tastes Like a Ho-Ho
Hey! Mr. Pibb!
Damages: Willful Acts
New York Sucks
A Pretty Girl In a Leotard
They Had To Tweeze That Out Of My Kidney
I Know Your Pig
A Regular Earl Anthony
Plea Bargain
You got your prom date pregnant
Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care.
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