Dezerter was founded as SS-20 in 1981 in Warsaw and is one of the most popular punk bands from Poland. They had to change their name to Dezerter because of the reaction of the Communist authorities (SS-20 was a clear reference to a type of Soviet ICBM). Dezerter is regarded as one of the most influential bands in Polish rock. With fast guitar riffs and intelligent lyrics written by Grabowski, its concerts have drawn thousands of fans. Its LPs were very popular, especially in the late 80s and early 90s. The most famous Dezerter concert took place during the 1984 Jarocin Festival in Jarocin, Poland and it was attended by some 20,000 people. The concert was recorded and later parts of it were released on the Underground out of Poland LP. Dezerter still remains the only Polish hardcore/punk band that toured Japan. In March 2006 a 2-CD tribute album was released containing Dezerter covers played by various Polish bands. The first CD contains HC/Punk bands like Apatia, Schizma, Wlochaty, WC, Analogs etc. while the second has bands playing different syles of music (new wave, reggae, electro-punk, hiphop, folk, rockabilly etc.) giving their own character to the old Polish Punk classics. The album is called Nie Ma Zagrozenia - Jest Dezerter. Dezerter's official website: http://www.dezerter.most.org.pl Discography: KU PRZYSZLOSCI 7 (Tonpress, 1983) JESZCZE ZYWY CZLOWIEK tape (1984) IZOLACJA split tape w/ unknown bands from U.S.S.R. (1985) UNDERGROUND OUT OF POLAND LP (MRR, 1987) ...
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