There are at least 11 bands named Downfall (you'd think at least one of them would change their name). (1) Californian Punk band Downfall was a ska and punk band from the Bay Area formed by Tim Armstrong, Matt Freeman, Dave Mello, Pat Mello, and Jason Hammon following the break-up of Operation Ivy in 1989 and pre-dating Armstrong's and Freeman's wider recognition in Rancid. They performed three shows at Gilman over a period of three months: one of these shows was recorded. for more info check out http://www.operationivy.com/downfall.php (2) Croatian melodic death metal band, formed in January of 2003. All founding members are present in the current lineup to this day. Karlo Horvat (vocals/guitars), Rade Malobabić (guitars), Marko Vladilo (bass) and Igor Malobabić (drums). After numerous gigs across the country, covering bands like Children of Bodom(especially the vocals), Death, Pantera, Nevermore, Ark, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Opeth and others also having original material influenced by the forementioned. In May 2006, they successfuly sign a temporary contract with a major label to contribute material for an all standout acts of their hometown compilation recording 2 songs Second & B.l.e.a.k.. For more info see http://www.downfallsite.com (3) Finnish metal band from Tampere. They have changed their name to Blackstar Halo. (4) French neofolk/darkfolk band Although they come from France, Downfall make use of German vocals in their Dark Folk recipe, which offers als...
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