From Radiochango: Mixing world music and folk tunes, Dusminguet's influences are only limited by their own travels and findings. The introduction to travelling by Mustapha el Hafer in the first song of Postrof with the contribution of two musicians from Rif (Abdul Gandur and Ali Chrsitin) perfectly represents what this band is: an open travelogue. Dusminguet was formed in 1995 in Catalonia in the multiracial pueblo of La Garriga. Joan Garriga (accordion and voice), Dani Portabella (guitar and voice) and Marti Vilardebo (drums and voice) began to mix the rhythms and sounds that turned them on : mainly rumba and cumbia, but also reggae, rif, ska, merengue, havaneras, funk... Since 1995, the band has been emerging little by little, showing a wide repertoire. Initially conceived as a Catalan trio, the band was to take on board contributions and experiments with other musicians as Carlos Rivolta (bass) and Oscar Dominguez (drums, voice) join the group. Tomas, a former Mano Negra keyboard-player, going through a crisis after the breakup of the band in Madrid found in the La Garriga pueblo and in this beginner's band a warm environment and a promising project, which led him to join them at once. For the Spanish public, however, the take-off of this Catalan band was to take place when the Chewaka label (belonging to Virgin records) was interested in the band from La Garriga. In 1998 they released their first album, with the mysterious title of Vafalungo, which they presented in ...
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Top Tracks
Rumbeta Bona
Rock & Roll
Cumbia Bruja
Le Cha Cha Cha
Ritmo Americano
La Rabia
Cosa Fea
El Son
El Teu Amor
El Viatge
Mi Arte
Como Si Nada
La Rumba Del Solterón
Candombe Apertura
El Cami
Les Ampolles
Disco Jonki
One Way
Nass La Garriga
Caondombe Clausura / [unknown]
El Pardal
Son Del Campesino
La Recepta
Carretera Del Miedo
La Muralla
Rock & Roll (Radio Edit)
Ai Maria!
San Cristóbal
Gran Dubtà
La Dansa De L´imbécil
Plegant Veles
Sonajeros de colores
La Dansa De L'Imbecil
Marihuana (Dub version)
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