Dżem is a Polish blues-rock band. Their history dates back to the mid-1970s, although their first records were released in the mid-1980s. Their style varies between blues, southern rock, and hard rock. Their late vocalist - Ryszard Riedel [d. 1994 from heart failure caused by heavy drug addiction] - was an iconic figure in the history of Polish rock, followed by a nationwide cult similar to Jim Morrison's. His replacement - Jacek Dewódzki - sang on three albums in the second half of the 1990s, before being replaced by the more blues-orientated current singer, Maciej Balcar, in 2001. Their first album with Balcar, called 2004, was released in September 2004. After the tragic death (in a car crash) of the pianist Pawel Berger in January 2005, the band took a break for four months, before returning to full activity with a new pianist, Janusz Borzucki, in May 2005. In 2005 a biographic movie titled Skazany na bluesa (Sentenced to Blues) was produced. Dżem's newest studio album and the first with the current line-up, Muza, was released in November 2010. A prominent member of the band in 1980-1982 was in Apostolis Anthimos guitarist and drummer of the legendary trio SBB that split up in 1980 just one year before the martial law in Poland and just 10 days after the massacre in the secret polish concentration camp of Górna Grupa of Oct. 31, 1980, where just in one night more than 50 people were cremated alive - most of them members of the upcoming Solidarność movement. The...
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Skazany na bluesa
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