Ekkaia was a neocrust band from A Coruña, Spain. Ekkaia started in 1999. In their earlier records they had a prominent real screamo / emo violence touch with some melodic death metal influences. In their later releases, they evolved into a darker crust sound, in the vein of Tragedy; for whom they opened several times during the time Tragedy visited Spain in the early naughts. They can be considered the cornerstone in the Spanish crust scene and one of the most notorious and legendary bands of the neocrust variety, a hardcore subgenre that they helped pioneer and expand beyond what Tragedy had done at the time as well as subsequently influencing important bands such as Fall of Efrafa, Downfall of Gaia and Alpinist plus countless other bands that found and still find inspiration in them. Ekkaia's sound and approach to their version of crust is characterised mainly by a combination of melodic and tremolo picking-styled riffing predominantly derived from Tragedy's signature melodic and epic leads as well as frequent use of the guitar pick slide technique to signal the transition into faster or more grand and emotional riffs/passages seamlessly intertwined with furious d-beat-galloping-styled drumming onslaught plus some downtempo shifts that build a balance between tension and violent release. Sometimes melancholic, other times majestic/powerful guitar leads that go hand in hand with dual male harsh vocals that can be classified between a mix of crust gutturals and screamo...
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Demasiado tarde para pedir perdón
Sombras del progreso
Mientras dormimos
Mercaderes de la muerte
convirtamos las palabras en fuego
Piedra sobre piedra
Palabras de ayer
El desprecio a lo oculto
Manos que estrechan planes de muerte y sometimiento
Ilusiones robadas a la inocencia
nadie bendice tus manos
en pie de guerra
Disfrazando La Piel Del Miedo y La Aflicción
Caminando en circulos
Viviendo días más oscuros
El Ultimo Aliento
Dos Mundos
Caminando en círculos
Buscando respuestas con preguntas equivocadas
El último aliento
Viviendo Dias Mas Oscuros
Antorchas desde el este
Intro (Instrumental)
Estetica vs. Humano
El límite de la humanidad
El óxido y la máquina
(Sin Titulo)
El Tercer Ojo
Procuro Verdades
Por el óxido y la máquina
Por El Oxido y La Maquina
Obedecidxs Bajo El Miedo Y El Castigo
Ilusiones Robadas A La...
Escuestrad@ Por Los Deseos...
The Art Of Comprehension
obedecidas bajo el miedo al castigo
A Face In The Sky
Crossing the gates of my own dream
Llorando En La Larga Noche
El Oxido Y La Maquina
Secuestradxs Por Los Desos Conformistas Del A Asesinx
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