There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Firma is a five piece Romanian group, currently consisting of Rocca (vocals, writer, producer), Robert Lama (guitars, backing vocals), Sorin (keyboards/noises), Erhan (bass) and Petra (drums). Their music represents a fusion of rock, trip-hop and blues, with traces of jazz and funk, a revolutionary combination for the Romanian musical scene. They have been active since 2001, and in 2003 they released their debut album “La Orbire”. Their musical activity also consisted in the production of several music videos (“La Orbire”, “Nimeni”, two versions of “Important”, “Te Paste”), as well as in their extensive touring throughout the country. Somewhere along the tour the band parted ways with one of its founding members, guitarist Lix. Autumn 2007 brings Firma’s comeback, with a new record deal and their brand-new album “Exit”. A video had been made for the first single of the album, titled “Baby Is Crying”. With this single, Firma have been nominated for the Sounds Of Europe section in the 2007 MTV Europe Music Awards, representing Romania. 1) Firma is a Polish hip-hop group create in 2000 in Kraków (Cracow), Poland by raper Kali & Tadek. In 2001 to the group joined Popek & Pomidor (Tomato) from Legnica and then Bosski Roman. Debut publishing group “Pierwszy nielegal” appeared the same year. In 2002 effort Zooteka label released the album “Z dedykacją dla ulicy”. In 2005 appeared a second group ...
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Powiedz Im, Ze
Honor i Ojczyzna
Te Paste (It'S Coming)
Idę bandą, lecę łukiem
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