One of techno's true underground heroes, Function (Dave Sumner) has been DJing and making music for over 25 years. He is a founding member of the Sandwell District collective, Ostgut recording artist and owner of Infrastructure. Hailing from New York, he was seduced by techno when Jeff Mills held residency (as well as his own first) at Limelight in the early 90s. Producing from the mid-90s onward, he released his first 12s on Damon Wild's Synewave and his own Infrastructure imprint. A chance meeting in 1996 brought him together with Regis (Karl O'Connor). The two worked as Portion Reform, releasing uncompromising music on Downwards, making him the only non-Birmingham producer to appear on the label. He later moved to Berlin in 2007, still working with Regis, and now Silent Servant (Juan Mendez), putting his focus on Sandwell District. Since, the label come collective, skyrocketed into cult status - decentralizing the artist ego, blurring the lines between the artist, label and dj; re-arranging the DNA of modern dance music.. There are also other artists with the same name: 2) Function is Matthew L Nicholson, an Australian born musician/composer/sound artist/producer. His nomadic collusion with a geographically vast network of talented friends creates Function. Begun as an occasionally tended to solo venture in 1995, Function in recent years have relocated to being based between USA & Europe, touring and recording more regularly. Unpredictably ecstatic/dark/spare/maximal/...
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Top Tracks
Voiceprint (reprise)
Against the Wall
Incubation (Ritual)
Psychic Warfare
Gradient I
Voiceprint (Loop/Edit)
Beloved, Lost To Begin With
The Red Hook Overview
Prayer In Tonal Forest
Ghost Echoes
The Wind Itself
Ember (Field)
Unshaken (Positively Implacable)
Mad Light Obviating Things, Pt. 1
Immolare (Function Version)
Tiger Cub Samurai
Hanalei (Alone With The Real Magic Dragon)
City River Rock
Function Sampler 1
New Music For Bowed Animals
Electric Outcome
The Broken Shaman
Sinai (Freedom Doesn't Care What I Do)
Thunder's Freshwater Tears
Mad Light Obviating Things, Pt. 2
Falling The Same Way (Dommune Version)
Variance (Function Reduced Edit)
Disaffected (Original Mix)
Gradient II
Gradient (Intro)
Disaffected (Ben Klock Mix)
Psychic Warfare (Vatican Shadow Remix)
Obsessed (Substance Remix)
Incubation (Prologue)
Against The Wall (Rrose Remix)
Variance 4 (Regis Edit)
Obsessed (SCB-Edit)
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