There is more than one band called Furia. 1. Furia is a Polish black metal band from Katowice, comprised of members from Massemord. Their musical releases include two demos: I Spokój (2004) and I Krzyk (2005), four EPs: Płoń (2009), Halny (2010), W melancholii (2014), Guido (2016) fivefull-length albums - Martwa Polska Jesień (2007), Grudzień za Grudniem (2009), Marzannie, Królowej Polski (2012) Nocel (2014), Księżyc milczy luty (2016) as well as one special live album entitled Huta Laura / Katowice / Królewska Huta (2010). The lyrical themes of Furia's work often revolve around misanthropy and death. The band's name literally translates to Fury. 2. Early 70s psych/funk/prog band from Spain, with at least four singles on Belter sublabel BP. 3. Furia is a black/death metal band formed in 1997 in Mâcon, France. They are themed towards philosophy, religion, darkness, symbolism. Furia's albums a take a theatrical approach, the songs are based on dialogues between characters, and all the songs are somewhat related. 4. Furia is an all-female rock band formed in 1995 in Bergen, Norway, who has released two albums and an EP. Signed to EMI Germany. The music is melancholic and dynamic, but quite melodic and optimistic at the same time. Known throughout Norway as a great live band, which has also given them several european support jobs for Lenny Kravitz. In hiatus at the moment (2008). 5. Furia from Finland is a black metal band. Formed in 1995 and split-up 1999. S...
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I spokój
Z melancholika krew nie wypływa
Skrajna Nienawiść Egoistycznej Egzystencji (Arkona cover)
Napuchną mną drzewa
Right On Time
Huta Laura
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