Scotland - A highland realm of mystery, wonder, and epic battles from an ancient time, shrouded by magical mists. A time of dragons and wizards, and enchanted weapons. These are the legends of the Kingdom of Fife, when the great hero Angus McFife waged an epic war against the evil wizard Zargothrax, to free the people of Dundee in the name of glory and steel. These are the legends of GLORYHAMMER! Now in the distant future of the year 1992...war has returned to the galaxy. One thousand years have passed since the brave hero Angus McFife defeated the evil sorcerer Zargothrax in the battle of Dunfermline, trapping the wizard in a frozen prison of liquid ice. But now, a cult of unholy chaos wizards are plotting to release their dark master from his ice-bound tomb and once again unleash the sorcerer Zargothrax upon the universe. The tragic destiny of the Galactic Empire of Fife now hangs in the balance once more... The 'Heroic Fantasy Power Metal' band GLORYHAMMER is the new project formed by Christopher Bowes, the mastermind behind pirate-metal sensation ALESTORM, with a desire to explore the more symphonic and epic side of metal. The band's debut album 'Tales from the Kingdom of Fife', tells an original story based in an alternate-history medieval Scotland, where magic and dark sorcery reigns supreme. Now the band seeks to explore the new and epic frontier of outer-space in their upcoming album, 'Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards'. Napalm Records will unleash its majesty u...
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Top Tracks
Angus McFife
The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee
Quest for the Hammer of Glory
Magic Dragon
Anstruther's Dark Prophecy
Amulet of Justice
Hail to Crail
Silent Tears of Frozen Princess
Beneath Cowdenbeath
The Epic Rage of Furious Thunder
Wizards! (Bonus Track)
Rise of the Chaos Wizards
Legend of the Astral Hammer
Universe on Fire
Goblin King of the Darkstorm Galaxy
The Hollywood Hootsman
Infernus Ad Astra
Victorious Eagle Warfare
Questlords of Inverness, Ride to the Galactic Fortress!
Heroes (of Dundee)
Apocalypse 1992
Angus McFife | Napalm Records
Main Title
Wizards! - Bonus Track
The Attack on Triton
Angus McFife XIII's Theme
An Evil Wizard Does A Quest
The King of California
Ser Proletius Returns
Lords of Space and Time
To Claim Space Throne
An Epic War is Fight
Dundee Will Fall
Dundax Aeterna
The unicorn invasion of Dundee Lyrics
Amulet of Justice (2013)
Quest for the Hammer of Glory (Heroic Version)
The Epic Rage of Furious Thunder (Legendary Version)
Magic Dragon (Lyrics)
Quest for the Hammer
Angus McFife (Lyrics)
Questlords of Inverness Ride to the Galactic...
The Unicorn Invasion Of Sundee
Angus McFife (vocal cover)
To Claim A Space Throne
Main Title (Bonus Track)
The Unicorn Inasion Of Dundee
The Attack on Triton (Bonus Track)
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